Group Norms

  • Are the standards or ground rules that develop in a group that control the behavior of its members.
  • Usually express beliefs or desires of the majority.
    What “should” and “should not” be said/done.
  • Have behavior as their principal focus, to ensure compliance, even if
    Sanctions exist for those who violate whatever the norms of the group are.
  • Can be implicit or explicit, and may be unconscious


  • A change in norms changes the culture of the group.
  • Group norms can facilitate or hinder group process.
  • Norms of a group evolve, and are difficult to impose by force or external

cf.:  Tuckman’s model: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing


Primary Goals sits at the intersection of three core ideas about communication:
  • Leaders create vision by communicating a compelling future to their teams.
  • Teams create success based on how effectively the communicate and coordinate with each other.
  • Entrepreneurial ventures are successful only when they communicate value to people with a concern that the business can take care of
In all cases, it’s about Conversations for Committed Results.  That’s our Primary Goal.  



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